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AfterBits Electronic Recycling accepts this item!

We gladly accept CRT TV screens from all major brands, regardless of their size, shape, or specific brand name. Whether it's a petite 1-inch screen or a colossal 45-inch Sony CRT display, we're equipped to handle them all with care and efficiency. Your old CRT screens, no matter their dimensions, will find a welcome home with us for proper electronic recycling.

Houston Texas Location
Directions: 21631 Rhodes Rd C306, Spring, TX 77388
Phone: (713) 370-3000

Medford Oregon Location
Directions: 249 E Barnett Rd #108, Medford, OR 97501
Phone: (541) 500-0218

Recycling Tips for CRT screens

When it comes to recycling CRT TVs, it's important to handle them carefully because they contain harmful materials like lead. Modern recycling processes carefully dismantle the TVs, separating the glass from the other components. The glass is then processed to remove the lead, which can be reused in other products. This helps to protect the environment and ensure that old CRT TVs don't end up polluting landfills. So, even though CRT technology may be a thing of the past for most, it's still playing a role in our world today, albeit in a different way.

When CRT TVs are recycled, the process begins with careful disassembly to separate the various components. The leaded glass, which comprises the bulk of the TV's weight, is particularly valuable to recycle. After removal, the glass undergoes a specialized recycling process to recover the lead content. This involves crushing the glass into small pieces and separating the lead from other materials through techniques such as heat treatment or chemical extraction.

Once the lead has been extracted, it can be reused in various industries, including the manufacturing of new electronics or construction materials. Additionally, other components of the CRT TV, such as plastics and metals, are also recycled or properly disposed of to minimize environmental impact.

By responsibly recycling CRT TVs and other electronic waste, we can prevent hazardous materials from ending up in landfills and reduce the demand for raw materials. It's essential for individuals and communities to participate in electronics recycling programs to ensure the safe and sustainable disposal of old CRT TVs while protecting both human health and the environment for future generations.

History of CRT screens

Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) TVs were once the kings of the living room, known for their bulky bodies and curved screens. These TVs worked by shooting electrons from a cathode at the back of the screen towards a phosphorescent material on the front, creating the images we see. Back in the day, CRT TVs were everywhere, dominating households around the world.

However, with the advent of newer technologies like LCD and LED screens, CRT TVs started to fade away. But don't count them out just yet! While they may not be as popular for watching TV anymore, CRT technology still finds uses in other areas. For example, they're still commonly used in specialized applications like medical imaging devices and retro gaming enthusiasts often seek out CRT TVs for an authentic gaming experience.